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Category: Notices Legal Notices
Source: NMG Classifieds
Listed: Wed Feb 5th

Legal Notice ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF CHAPTER 55 OF THE GLOUCESTER CITY HOUSING CODE, ARTICLE I, CHAPTER 55-13C (1), CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WHEREAS, it has been found and declared that there exists in the City of Gloucester City (“City”) buildings or parts thereof, which are so old, dilapidated or have become so out of repair as to be dangerous, unsafe, insanitary or otherwise unfit for human habitation. There occupancy or use are inimical to the welfare and dangerous and injurious to the health and safety of the people of the municipality and a public necessity exists for the repair, closing or demolition of such buildings or parts thereof; and WHEREAS, the New Jersey Uniform Fire Code (“NJ UFC”) was amended on July 1, 2018 with an effective date of January 1, 2019, requiring 10-year sealed battery single station smoke alarms be installed where single station smoke alarms with removable battery or when no smoke alarms are present; and WHEREAS, the NJ UFC rules require all single station smoke alarms with removable battery to be replaced regardless of whether they were installed just prior to the enactment of the legislation; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council of the City have established certain housing standards in the interest of the public’s health, safety and welfare. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Gloucester City, County of Camden and State of New Jersey s: that §55-13C (1) is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 1 : §55-13C (1). In addition, a certificate of occupancy shall be issued by the Housing Inspector or Code Enforcement Official upon the certification by the Fire Official, or other duly authorized personnel, of the satisfactory installation of hard wired interconnected battery backup smoke detectors or 10-year sealed battery smoke alarms in proper working order on or near the ceiling of each level of a residential or commercial structure and upon the satisfactory installation of battery operated smoke detectors in proper working order in each bedroom or sleeping area of every residential structure. SECTION 2 : All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances inconsistent with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency. SECTION 3 : If the provisions of any section, subsection, paragraph, subdivision, or clause of this Ordinance shall be judged invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such order of judgment shall not affect or invalidate the remainder of any section, subsection, paragraph, subdivision, or clause of this Ordinance. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon final passage and publication in accordance with law. PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE is hereby given that the foregoing ORDINANCE was introduced and passed at a meeting of the Common Council of the City of Gloucester City, County of Camden, New Jersey, held on the 27th day of January, 2025 and will be considered for final passage after a public hearing at a meeting of the Common Council of the City of Gloucester City to be held on February 24, 2025, 313 Monmouth Street, Gloucester City, New Jersey. Copies of the full ordinance as introduced are available without cost to any member of the general public during regular business hours from the Office of the City Clerk, 512 Monmouth Street, Gloucester City, New Jersey 08030, phone number being (856) 456-0205. Vanessa L. Little, City Clerk DatedL2/5/25, Fee:$42.67 Affidavit Fee:$5.00
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