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Avoid becoming a victim of scams and fraud!

  • Arrange to meet so the buyer can examine the item before payment
  • Be suspicious of too-good-to-be-true offers;
    there's probably a catch
  • Send money before you've seen the item
  • Send an item before you have been paid
Well known classified scams:
  • Cheap overseas phones (iPhones etc.)
  • Cheap laptops (MacBooks etc.)
  • Cheap loans (overseas)
  • Get rich programs
  • Advance funds fraud
  • Puppy scams

Category: Notices Legal Notices
Source: NMG Classifieds
Listed: Fri Dec 20th

BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS Hopewell Borough Fire District No. 1 PO Box 141 Hopewell, New Jersey 08525 Notice of Special Meeting PLEASE BE ADVISED that the Commissioners of Fire District No. 1 in the Borough of Hopewell, County of Mercer shall hold a special meeting on December 30, 2024 between the hours of 7:00 pm and 7:30 pm at Hopewell Fire Dept. 4 Columbia Ave, Hopewell, NJ 08525 to secure voter approval for purchase of new portable radios not to exceed $50,000.00. At said meeting the legal voters shall either approve or disapprove of said proposed capital project and determine the amount of monies to be expended concerning the project. BY: Commissioners of Fire District No.1 Hopewell Borough, Mercer County Secretary John W. Blasi 1x, HV, 12/20/24.Fee:$12.23 Affidavit Fee:$15.00
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