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Category: Notices Legal Notices
Source: NMG Classifieds
Listed: Fri Sep 27th

L E G A L N O T I C E Notice is hereby given that the PLANNING BOARD OF PRINCETON at a regular meeting on SEPTEMBER 19, 2024 adopted the Findings of Fact for the following application: APPLICANT: ALKA PATEL PENU Minor Subdivision for Lot Line Adjustment File #P2323-369MS LOCATION: 1082 Princeton-Kingston Road; Block 1502, Lots 2.01 and 2.03 NATURE OF APPLICATION: Lot line adjustment to transfer 4,676 square feet of land from Lot 2.01 to Lot 2.03 APPLICANT: ESTATE SHORE, LLC Minor Subdivision with variances File #P2323-403MS LOCATION: 479 Jefferson Road; Block 5408, Lot 1 NATURE OF APPLICATION: Subdivision of one lot into two 0.23-acre lots with two variances from the minimum required lot size APPLICANT: TRUSTEES OF PRINCETON UNIVERSITY Minor Site Plan with variances File #P2323-433PM LOCATION: 112, 114 and 116 Prospect Avenue; Block 48.01, Lot 20 NATURE OF APPLICATION: Restoration efforts for three historic structures along with site improvements APPLICANT: MORAKINYO AND MARLEN AYODELE Minor Subdivision and Site Plan with variances File #P2322-255MS/PM LOCATION: 469 Ewing Street; Block 7202, Lot 13 NATURE OF APPLICATION: Subdivision of one lot into two 0.22 acre lots with variances from minimum required lot size, lot width and lot frontage for the construction of one principle dwelling and one Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) on each newly subdivided lot APPLICANT: TRUSTEES OF PRINCETON UNIVERSITY Relief of Condition File #P2424-479RC LOCATION: Elm Drive and McCosh Walk; Block 45.01, Lot 101 NATURE OF APPLICATION: Relief of Condition B related to tree replacement/tree relocation for the Art Museum proposal (#P2020-835) A copy of all documents are on file in the office of the Planning Board of Princeton, 400 Witherspoon Street; Princeton, NJ and may be viewed during normal business hours. Kerry A. Philip, Board Secretary PRINCETON PLANNING BOARD 1x, PP, 9/27/24, Fee:$39.01 Affidavit Fee:$15.00
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