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Avoid becoming a victim of scams and fraud!

  • Arrange to meet so the buyer can examine the item before payment
  • Be suspicious of too-good-to-be-true offers;
    there's probably a catch
  • Send money before you've seen the item
  • Send an item before you have been paid
Well known classified scams:
  • Cheap overseas phones (iPhones etc.)
  • Cheap laptops (MacBooks etc.)
  • Cheap loans (overseas)
  • Get rich programs
  • Advance funds fraud
  • Puppy scams

Category: Notices Legal Notices
Source: NMG Classifieds
Listed: Thu Sep 26th

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Gloucester City SMALL CITIES PROGRAM The Gloucester City is presently implementing a FY2023 Division and 6th Street Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Program to make improvements to division at 6th street. The Gloucester City received a grant in the amount of $400,000.00 to replace water and combine sewer mains and also reconstruct the roadway curb to curb including ADA ramps on division st between 6th and 7th. In accordance with the Community Development Citizen Participation requirements, a Public Hearing is being held in order to review the performance and status of activities and to identify future CD activities of the above identified Community Development Program. This second hearing is in addition to a Public Hearing that was held in the planning stages of this Program and prior to submission to the Application for Small Cities funding. Interested citizens are invited to attend this Hearing, which is scheduled for October 9, 2024 at 3 PM. Location, 313 Monmouth Street, Gloucester City. The meeting will be held in the Court Room. Citizens are advised that they can send written comments to the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, Small Cities Unit, PO Box 811, Trenton, New Jersey, 08625-0811, ATTN: Administrator, during a ten day period following this Public Hearing. Dated:9/25/24 Prt's Fee:$16.20 Affidavit Fee:$5.00
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