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Category: Notices Legal Notices
Source: NMG Classifieds
Listed: Fri Dec 27th

TOWNSHIP OF HILLSBOROUGH MUNICIPAL UTILITIES AUTHORITY REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS & PROPOSAL PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES The Township of Hillsborough Municipal Utilities Authority (TTHMUA) is issuing a Request for Qualifications & Proposal (RFQ/RFP) from Engineering firms and Engineers licensed to practice in the State of New Jersey to provide professional engineering services to the TTHMUA. In addition to general civil engineering, the firm or engineer must provide environmental engineering services with proven expertise and experience in all phases of wastewater treatment (collection facilities), operation, design, permitting, collection / conveyance, construction / inspection, planning, management, plan review and any other engineering need for the TTHMUA from March 1, 2025 to February 28, 2026. Proposals are being solicited through a fair and open process in accordance with N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4 et seq. The required submittal forms to be submitted with the RPF’s can be found on our website at Proposals will be evaluated by TTHMUA based on the most advantageous, price and other factors considered. The evaluation will consider: a.) A minimum of twenty (20) years of experience of the firm in the field of wastewater; including documentation and references of at least five (5) similar appointments demonstrating familiarity with the services requested. b.) Knowledge of the TTHMUA and the subject matter to be addressed under the contract. c.) Qualifications and experience of the designated professional(s) and support staff, and the location of firm’s offices. Submit resumes for all key professionals proposed for this project. Resumes should not exceed three (3) pages in length. d.) Availability to accommodate any required meetings of the Authority. e.) Compensation: Provide actual salary hourly rates of all individuals proposed along with the % overhead and % profit multipliers proposed for this contract. Experience and Qualifications should demonstrate the ability to at a minimum provide the following services: 1. Preliminary and feasibility investigations and reports. 2. Metering and inspections, overseeing operation of flow meters and analysis of data. 3. Ability to oversee on-going infiltration / inflow detection and remediation program. 4. Design of new and rehabilitated laterals, gravity mains, force mains, and all aspects and components of pump stations. 5. Preparation of Construction Contract Documents (plans and specifications). 6. Construction Observation Services. 7. Review Developer applications and support documents (plans, specifications, reports, and performance bonds). 8. Review / observe project status with respect to the reduction and / or release of performance bonds. 9. Assist the Executive Director and his assignees as needed. 10. Attendance at Authority meetings. 11. Assistance to Authority Attorney as needed. 12. Assistance to Authority in securing permits and grants from other governmental agencies. 13. Represent the TTHMUA before local, State and Federal agencies relative to environmental matters. 14. Perform, if requested, an annual inspection of the system and prepare an annual maintenance and operations report. 15. Perform other wastewater engineering related tasks as requested by TTHMUA and in the best interest of TTHMUA. Selection shall be based solely on the TTHMUA’s evaluation of the submitted materials, and the criteria set forth in this document. The TTHMUA reserves the right to negotiate the terms and conditions of the contract with the successful firm or firms to obtain the most advantageous outcome for the TTHMUA. The TTHMUA reserves the right to select multiple firms to fulfill its needs. Proposals (two copies) must be submitted in writing in a sealed envelope bearing the name and address of the Proposer and the words “Professional Consulting Engineering Services”. Proposals shall be sent to the Qualified Purchasing Agent of the Township of Hillsborough Municipal Utilities Authority, located at 301 Towne Centre Drive, Hillsborough NJ 08844 no later than Wednesday, February 5, 2025, at 2:00 P.M., at which time all proposals shall be opened. 1x, HB , 12/27/24, Fee:$65.85 Affidavit Fee:$15.00
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