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Well known classified scams:
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Category: Notices Legal Notices
Source: NMG Classifieds
Listed: Thu Dec 26th

PUBLIC NOTICE A Public Hearing will be held by the Land Use Board of the Borough of Brooklawn on January 8th 2025, at 7pm in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Building located at 301 Christiana St, Brooklawn, NJ. The object of this hearing will be to consider an application for a variance by the undersigned appellant for the following relief: A 1st and 2nd story rear addition and deck to the existing structure The property, which is the subject of the hearing is located at 104-5th Street, Brooklawn, NJ 08030, also known as Block No. 121, Lot No. 48, on the Tax Map of the Borough of Brooklawn. The Appellant will also request any and all other variances, waivers and relief required by the Land Use Board and/ or by the Board’s Professionals for approval of the application. Documents and/or maps pertaining to the above may be examined in the borough of Brooklawn Municipal Building, located at 301 Christiana Street, Brooklawn, NJ between the hours of 8:30am until 5:00pm (Monday-Thursday) any business day. Appellant : Thomas Jackson Street address of Appellant: 104-5th Street Town, State & Zip Code: Brooklawn, NJ, 08030 Dated:12/25/24 Fee:$23.08 Affidavit Fee:$15.00
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