NOTICE OF DECISION BOROUGH OF HOPEWELL PLANNING BOARD PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on January 8, 2025, the Hopewell Borough Planning Board (the “Board”) adopted Resolution PB#2025-06 (the “ Resolution ”) which memorialized the following action taken by the Board at its meeting held on December 4, 2024, with respect to the property known as 52 East Broad Street and designated on the official tax map of the Borough of Hopewell, Mercer County, New Jersey as Block 22, Lot 7 (the “ Property ”): GRANTING Waiver of Minor Site Plan Approval and Conditional Use Permit- To allow a cannabis retail operation. The subject property designed as Lot 7 in Block 22 on the Borough of Hopewell (the “Borough”) tax map, located at 52 East Broad Street (the “subject property”), in the BR Business zoning district (the “BR Zone”) The terms and conditions of the above referenced approval are more particularly set forth in the Resolution, copies are available in the Planning Board office at the Hopewell Borough Hall, 88 East Broad Street, Hopewell, New Jersey during normal business hours, or by contacting the Planning Board secretary at planning Zuzana Karas Planning Board Secretary 1x, HV, 1/17/25, Fee:$18.34