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Category: Notices Legal Notices
Source: NMG Classifieds
Listed: Fri Sep 27th

BOROUGH OF PENNINGTON MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Pennington Borough Planning/Zoning Board will hold its regular meeting on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 at 7:30 p.m. Due to restrictions related to COVID-19, the meeting will be held remotely via a Zoom webinar. The remote meeting connection information will be available on the Borough's website at where instructions regarding the Zoom webinar will also be available. Documents will be available for viewing Monday-Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Pennington Borough Hall, 30 North Main Street, Pennington, New Jersey. Members of the public may make comments on any items not on the agenda during the public portion of the hearing. All comments or testimony on any applications on the agenda must be made during the course of the hearing on the application and cannot be submitted by email or in writing to be considered by the Board. The Public Hearing will be on the following application: The applicant and owner, Straube Center, LLC (the "Applicant"), has filed an application with the Pennington Borough Planning/Zoning Board (the "Board") for preliminary and final site plan approval, as well as waiver relief, if any, in connection with a parcel having an address of 106 W. Franklin Ave., known and designated as Block 202, Lot 2 on the Tax Maps of the Borough of Pennington, Mercer County, New Jersey (the "Property"), situated in the O-B Office (Building) Business Zone ("O‑B"). The Property is an approximately 142,126-s.f. lot improved with a 2.5-story block building of approximately 28,843 s.f., a 2-story block building of approximately 1,793 s.f., and a 1-story block building of approximately 909 s.f., as well as associated improvements including parking, landscaping, exterior mechanical equipment, &c. The Property operates together with Tax Lot 3 in Block 202, which, together with Lot 2, comprises the Straube Center "campus." The Applicant proposes to build an elevator on the north side of the largest building, outside of the current building envelope. In order to provide access to the elevator, the Applicant proposes to remove one (1) parking space and convert an existing space to an ADA space. The following is a summary of the relief required: · 233 parking spaces are required, whereas 136 exist and 135 are proposed. A variance is required. · Front yard setback of 100' is required whereas 25.57' is proposed. A variance is required. Lastly, the Applicant requests that the Board grant any additional approvals, permits, variances, interpretations, waivers or exceptions reflected in the plans and materials filed (as same may be amended or revised from time to time without further notice) or determined to be necessary during the review and processing of the application(s). The following is the remote meeting information for the Zoom webinar: Passcode: 487938 Link and passcode to join the webinar can also be found at THE SPADACCINI LAW FIRM, LLC Counsel for the Applicant/Owner, Straube Center, LLC 1x, HV, 9/27/24, Fee:$45.59 Affidavit Fee:$15.00
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